About Us
I could show you my picture, and tell you that I was a graphic designer and then an art buyer for umpteen years before becoming an illustrator’s representative and that blah, blah, blah…
But that is not what is important to you as an art buyer. What is important is that I want you to be happy (no, thrilled!) with your final artwork from one of these artists. Because, let’s face it, if this artist does not do the job to your satisfaction, then another one will. And I wish to gain your trust that when you commission a job to one of these artists, that you will be thrilled with the outcome without any stress or hassles.
As “Mother” to these artists, I know them well, their strengths and their weaknesses. I want to help guide you, as the buyer (if you wish guidance) to know which artist is the best suited for your specific needs.
I take responsibility for the artists meeting their deadlines and delivering to you the best and most accurate work possible. So, please do not hesitate to call (I like live voices) to discuss what your needs are.
Speak to you soon,

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